Dog ear drops can not only help dogs sterilize and deworm, reduce inflammation and relieve itching , remove odor, etc., and can also effectively prevent various ear diseases. However, many owners encounter various problems after purchasing ear drops. For example, dogs will not let their owners apply ear drops for them, and dogs will throw away their dogs after using ear drops. To successfully give your dog ear drops, owners must pay attention to the following points.
1. Good preparations
1. Cotton swabs are used to clean up the dirt in the dog’s ear canal.
2. Use ear drops for dogs. Ear drops for humans may not have the best effect on dogs.
2. Apply ear drops to the dog
The owner should fix the dog well, then open the ears, and drip the ear drops into the dog. Inside the dog's ear. In order for the ear drops to fully stimulate listening, the owner may wish to gently massage the dog's ears for one minute. If the owner lets the dog roam freely after the massage, they are likely to shake the earwax everywhere by shaking their heads. Therefore, it is best for the owner to use cotton swabs to clean the dirt in the dog's ears after massaging the dog.
3. What to do if the dog keeps shaking its head after using the ear drops
When the owner does not clean up the ear drops in the dog’s ears When cleaning, the dog will feel uncomfortable and shake its head, so the owner must clean the dog's ear canals before putting them away.