Morphological characteristics of East African hounds
East African hounds (confirmed introduction)

The ideal height of male East African hounds is about 58 cm to 71 cm, and the ideal height of female dogs is slightly smaller. The ideal weight of East African hounds should be 20 kg to 25 kg. His body is relatively large and his body is relatively slender.
Morphological characteristics

The head is long and narrow, the skull is slightly wider between the ears, has no arch, and the stop is not obvious, showing a completely good quality. The nose is black or liver color. The ears are long, covered with long silky hair, hanging on both sides of the head, and are smart. Eyes: Dark black or hazel, translucent; large and oval; no larger than 1. Teeth: Strong and flat.
Long, soft and muscular.
Deep and slightly narrow.
Shoulder blades slanted back, muscular but not rough. Forelegs: Straight and long (from elbow to wrist).
Thick, hip bones set wide apart, stifle joints excessively skewed. Hocks set low. Showing the ability to run and jump at high speeds.
Waist and Back
The back is fairly broad and muscular, with the waist slightly arched.
The feet are of medium length, with long, arched toes that are not spread, but are not cat feet at the same time; they are quite thick and soft, with feathering between the toes.
Long, short, hanging down in a natural arc, with long, silky, feathery feathers under the tail, not very deep.
Smooth and soft silky hair, slightly feathered on the legs, feathered on the back of the thighs, slightly woolly on the shoulders and thighs Feathered.
White, cheese, camel, gold, red, gray, brown, tricolor (black, white, brown), black and brown.
Short-haired variant
The rest of this variant is the same as described above, except for the coat, which is not feathered.

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