A brief introduction to the types of Chinese water dragons
Chinese water dragons

Chinese water dragons ( The China hose is an exceptionally docile lizard. Mainly scattered in eastern Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indochina and southern China. If you like to raise lizards that are both gentle and love swimming, then the Chinese water dragon is definitely the most ideal choice.
Chinese name: Chinese water dragon
English name:China hose
Chinese nickname:
Green water dragon, Indonesian water dragon
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata (Phylum Chordata)
Subphylum: Vertebrates (Vertebrata)
Class: Reptilia
Subclass: Diapsida, Lepidosauria
Lecertifromes (or Squamata)
Suborder: Lacertilia
Species: Chinese Water Dragon
Distribution: Southeast Asia includes: eastern Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indochina and southern China

