Mexican gopher tortoise
The Mexican gopher tortoise is scattered in North America One of the tortoises, it is the largest of the four remaining tortoises in North America. It has a long lifespan but a relatively low survival rate. Only 3% can reach adulthood in the wild. It is rarely traded in the overseas market.
Chinese name: Mexican gopher tortoise
Chinese Alias:Bolson tortoise
English name:Bolson tortoise
Latin name:Gopherus flavomarginatus
Kingdom:Animal kingdom
Subphylum:Vertebrates Subphylum
Order: Turtles
Suborder: Turtles
Species:Mexican gopher tortoise
Geographical distribution:Chihuahua Desert, Mexico Mapimi Basin
Endangered status:CITES. Growing method: Oviparous, laying about 12 to 15 eggs at a time
Physical characteristics: The adult is the largest. Up to 45cm, it is one of the North American gopher tortoise species and the largest one.
Balanced lifespan:Mexico ground. The lifespan of rat tortoises is very long. It is estimated that the average life span of wild Mexican tortoises is 80 to 100 years, and the average life span of Mexican tortoises in captivity is more than a hundred years.