Introduction to species of tranquil lizards
Serenity lizards

Serenity lizards are a giant tree lizard, about 250 species became a genus of Serenia, included in the family Iguanaidae. The shape of the tranquil lizard is similar to that of the rare gecko. They also have sharp claws and protruding toes. There are many tiny hooks on their toe pads, which allow them to crawl on very smooth surfaces. The body length of the tranquil lizard is about 12 to 45 cm. The male tranquil lizard has a large red or yellow wrinkle on its neck. Tranquil lizards are built like chameleons and can change color, but they don't become as awesome as chameleons do. Therefore, people call them "false chameleons". The color of the tranquil lizard is generally brown or yellow, and when it changes color, it will turn into different shades of green. Peace lizards live in warm areas of South and North America, with the largest number in the Caribbean.

Chinese name: Tranquil Lizard

English name: Green anole

Boundary: Animal Kingdom

Phylum: Chordata (Phylum Chordata)

Subphylum: Vertebrates (Vertebrata)


Subclass:Diapsida, Lepidosaurus Subclass (Lepidosauria)

Order:Lecertifromes (or Squamata)

Family: Iguana (Crotaphytidae)



Dispersed:South and North America

