Points to note for the polyculture of ginseng fish
Polyculture of ginseng fish

What is the ginseng fish? They are a very complex race, and raising them can also be addictive. After you raise one, you can't help but raise a second one, or after raising a kind of fish, you will gradually develop a strong interest in other fish. , but the fish tank is only so big, so if you want to mix the fish, you still have to think about it first.

 1. Temperature. It is taboo to keep cold water fish and hot fish in mixed culture. This is the most basic knowledge.

 2.PH value. If fish with different pH values ​​are mixed together, although it will not cause immediate death of the fish, it is definitely detrimental to the health of the fish and can easily cause diseases in the fish. Generally speaking, different fish live in different waters and rivers, and the pH values ​​of the water are also different. If you want to raise different types of fish together, you should first know which waters and areas the fish comes from.

 3. Body shape. If the size and constitution are too different, do not breed them together, otherwise those with small size and poor constitution will face life dangers. Whether fish of the same species or fish of different species are kept together, attention should be paid to the difference in body size. For example, guppies (definitely introduced) and map fish should not be kept together.

 4. Food habits. Fish that do not share common feeding habits are also not suitable for polyculture. If they are polycultured, the water quality will be reversed due to different foods. Moreover, carnivorous fish are highly aggressive and can easily bully the fish that eat the feed. Likewise, It will cause harm to fish, so it is not recommended to keep fish that do not eat together. This is also very important.

 5. Character. When mixing different fish, the quality of the fish must also be taken into consideration. It is definitely not possible to mix the fish in a strong and gentle way, otherwise it will definitely cause harm to the weak party.

 6. Land. Polycultured fish should be evenly arranged in space. Some fish are very localized, so fights for land should be avoided due to too high density.

The fun of fish farming is improved through gradual exploration. After understanding some of the above principles, you can start raising fish by yourself. Give you a colorful and beautiful fish tank.

